More than 250 articles are running for the 2016 Tropical Journalist Award
The 2014 edition had 48 registered reports, of which 20 in the TV category and 28 in printed media category in 2015, 112 reports ran for the award, from which 60 in the TV category and 52 in the printed media category the 2016 edition received 253 reports: 94 in the TV category and 159 in the printed media category
Besides the sum of R$ 1,500 in cash for the winners of the TV and Printed Media categories, the winners will be invited to join the 52nd Congress of the BSTM
The third edition of the Tropical Journalist Award by the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (BSTM) received 253 registered articles, from which 94 were in the TV category and 159 in the Printed Media category. The following newspapers and stations are competing for the prize: Jornal do Comércio from Porto Alegre; O Regional de Catanduva; Folha de Londrina; Diário de Pernambuco; Pesquisa FAPESP magazine; Correio Braziliense; TV Sergipe – Globo affiliate; Revista Brasileiros; Jornal El Mundo – Espanha; RBS TV Santa Rosa – Globo affiliate; Folha de São Paulo – Ribeirão Preto; Jornal Correio da Paraíba; EPTV – Globo affiliate in South Minas Gerais; EBC – TV Brasil; Rede Record; Jornal Extra Classe – RS; Jornal O Povo – CE; TV Bahia – Globo affiliate; Revista Minas Faz Ciência; Jornal NH – RS; Jornal A crítica na TV – Rede Record; Jornal El País – Brasil; Jornal Diário da Manhã de Passo Fundo – RS; Jornal Futura – Canal Futura; Revista Época; Revista SAÚDE é vital; SBT; Jornal Pioneiro – RS; Tribuna da Bahia; Jornal O Nacional – Passo Fundo – RS; Folha de Pernambuco; Jornal de Recife; Revista Viagem e Turismo; Programa Bem Estar/TV Globo; Revista Amazônia Viva; Revista Piauí; TV FEEVALE; Balanço Geral – Grupo RIC Paraná; Jornal de Pomerode – SC; Telejornal Unit Notícias; TV Justiça; Diário de Pernambuco; Folha de São Paulo; Jornal da Cidade – Bauru; Jornal Diário do Nordeste – CE; O Dia Alagoas; Jornal Liberal 2ª Edição; Jornal do Commercio; RADIS – Revista da Fiocruz; RBS TV Caxias do Sul – Afiliada Rede Globo; Jornal Estadão; Folha de São Paulo; Jornal Estado de Minas.
A judging commission composed by BSTM members and a communications professional will analyze the candidate reports. To analyze the reports, the commission will use two evaluation forms (TV and printed media) with the journalistic criteria and given grades. The TV category is evaluated as the following:
* Airing date = 1.5
* Public interest in the report = 2.0
* Relevance from the social point of view = 2.0
* Potential impact preventing tropical diseases = 2.0
* Space and highlight given by the vehicle to the report = 0.5
* Uniqueness and differentiation = 1.0
Reports creativity = 1.0
The printed media category reports are evaluated as the following:
* Airing date = 1.5
* Public interest in the report = 1.5
* Relevance from the social point of view = 1.5
* Potential impact preventing tropical diseases = 1.5
* Space and highlight given by the vehicle to the report = 1.0
* Uniqueness and differentiation = 0.5
* Quality, pertinence, focus, originality and creativity developing the subject and text, considering the different aspects related to the theme approached by the report, which must have Tropical Medicine as central axis = 1.0
* Diversity and quality of the considered sources = 0.5
* Correct contextualization of the theme in the journalistic approach = 0.5
* Clarity explaining technical terms = 0.5
Besides the sum of R$ 1,500 in cash for the winners of the TV and printed media category, the winners will be invited to join the 52nd Congress in order to receive the 2016 Tropical Journalist Award. The event will happen in Maceió, from August 21 to 24.
2014 Edition
The 2014 edition of the Tropical Journalist Award had 48 registered reports, from which 20 in the TV category and 28 in the printed media category. The following newspapers and stations competed for the prize: TV Brasil – Brazilian Broadcasting Company (EBC); Jornal Diário do Pará – Electronic Edition; O Estadão; Rede TV MG; TV Brasil – Brasília; Folha de São Paulo; TV Globo Minas; TEM – Globo affiliate in Sorocaba region; TV Pajuçara – Record affiliate in Maceió; EPTV, Globo affiliate in South Minas Gerais; Folha de Londrina; RBS TV Erechim, Globo affiliate in Rio Grande do Sul; Ric TV Record Blumenau, Record affiliate in Santa Catarina; Revista Radis / Fiocruz; TV Rondônia, Globo affiliate; Jornal Extra online, from Rio de Janeiro; Jornal Correio Braziliense; Jornal Diário do Nordeste, Fortaleza/CE; RICTV Record, from Florianópolis e Jornal do Tocantins.
After a carefully examining all reports, chose as winner of the Printed Press Media, the series of reports Neglected diseases in Pará, by news reporter Ismael Machado, from the Diário do Pará newspaper. The winner in the TV category was the special report Leprosy, the story Brazil doesnt know, by reporter Manuella Castro, from TV Brasil.
2015 Edition
The second edition of the Tropical Journalist Award by the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine received 112 reports to run for the prize, from which 60 in the TV category and 52 in the printed media category. The following newspapers and TV networks competed for the prize: Jornal do Tocantins; Revista Odonto Magazine; Revista Guia da Farmácia; Revista História em Foco; Jornal O Tempo; Portal O Tempo; Jornal Correio Braziliense; Jornal Diário do Sudoeste; Revista na Mochila; Jornal O São Paulo; Jornal do Commercio; TV SóSaúde; TV Bandeirantes – Minas Gerais; Portal R7 – São Paulo; TV Cidade Verde – SBT affiliate in Teresina; RBS TV Santa Rosa, Globo affiliate in Rio Grande do Sul; RBS TV Blumenau – Globo affiliate in Santa Catarina; Grupo Batanga
The BSTMs judging comission, after carefully examining all reports, chose as the winner in the Printed Media category the special article about tropical diseases and biotechnology, a series of four complementary reports about tropical diseases, by Vilhena Soares, from the Correio Braziliense newspaper, circulated from January 4 to 7. The winnner in the TV category was a series of 43 reports, by Mauricio Rebellato, from RBS TV Santa Rosa, Globo affiliate in Rio Grande do Sul, aired from March 17 to April 22.