Livro do Prof. Jorg Heukelbach “Head Lice Infestations”Livro do Prof. Jorg Heukelbach “Head Lice Infestations”
10/04/2011Management and Control of Head Lice Infestations
The present textbook aims to clarify common misconceptions regarding control of head lice. Written by lea- ding experts in the field, scientific evidence on biology of lice, treatment, management and prevention options is discussed. A special focus is given on treatment options, the emergence of resistance to neurotoxic pediculicides, on new approaches to tackle this challenge, such as the use of silicone oils or spinosad, and on control measures in different settings.
Topics rarely addressed when tal- king about head lice are covered, such as endosymbiotic bacteria as possible targets, oral treatments and the current knowledge regarding vaccination. Socio-cultural dimensions, knowledge of health professionals, and the possible role of lice as vectors for diseases have also been included.?
Management and Control of Head Lice Infestations
The present textbook aims to clarify common misconceptions regarding control of head lice. Written by lea- ding experts in the field, scientific evidence on biology of lice, treatment, management and prevention options is discussed. A special focus is given on treatment options, the emergence of resistance to neurotoxic pediculicides, on new approaches to tackle this challenge, such as the use of silicone oils or spinosad, and on control measures in different settings.
Topics rarely addressed when tal- king about head lice are covered, such as endosymbiotic bacteria as possible targets, oral treatments and the current knowledge regarding vaccination. Socio-cultural dimensions, knowledge of health professionals, and the possible role of lice as vectors for diseases have also been included.?