Chair of the 2016 MEDTROP highlights the events last arrangements and main themes
Among the works with greatest repercussion, Doctor Fernando Pedrosa highlights those related to arboviral diseases and the advances regarding Malaria
We tried to focus on the current epidemics in Brazils cities, as Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, but we kept the discussion of other themes important for health
Everything is almost ready for the 52nd Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical medicine, to be held from August 21 to 24 in Maceió, Alagoas. As the event gets closer, this years Chair to the event, Doctor Fernando de Araújo Pedrosa, interviewed by the BSTM, disclosed about the current economic crisis and its troubles and which will be the main discussions during the Congress.
Find below the full interview:
BSTM: How are the preparations for the 2016 MEDTROP?
Dr. Fernando: We are entering the final phase of the events organization. At this moment, we are closing the scientific program with an important innovation. We required the researchers to propose themes for round tables, preferably self-funded, which were analyzed by the Congress scientific committee and included in the program. In times of economic crisis, we must be creative and our tropicalist colleagues responded to our call in this challenge. The event will take place in the Ruth Cardoso Conventions Center and all logistics is being planned – from airport – hotel – conventions center, to be most convenient to our participants and guests.
BSTM: Which are the most common themes of the works to be presented this year?
Dr. Fernando: The main theme of the 2016 MEDTROP is Urban and Global Diseases We tried to focus on the current epidemics in Brazils cities, as Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. However, in order to maintain the events plural aspect, we will also have discussions about other important themes for the Brazilian peoples health, presenting current and historical matters – the scientific works were carefully selected and distributed in this sense. Besides this, a partnership with the TB Network and ChagasLeish will greatly enhance our event.
BSTM: Which researches to be presented in the event will have greatest repercussion in the scientific community?
Dr. Fernando: The main ones are related to the current arboviral diseases and advances on Malaria, where the researches have achieved great steps in the last years, regarding either the parasites, diagnosis or treatments. About Malaria, we must keep our attention on the possibility of this disease re-emerging in areas where it has been absent but the transmitter insect is present.
BSTM: The 2016 MEDTROP will begin when the 2016 Brazilian Olympic Games are finishing. Will the congress echo the control actions against viral diseases transmitted by the Aedes aegypti and the possible entry of diseases in the Country?
Dr. Fernando: Certainly. At first, it is important to increase the combat against the Aedes aegypti during the days before the games and during the event. It is also important to be prepared for upcoming cases, which must be diagnosed and treated. We will have, during the Olympic Games, a true study laboratory in Rio de Janeiro, which will echo in the 2016 MEDTROP and certainly around the world. This will be a huge experience for all of us.
BSTM: Was it difficult to organize such a large event in times of crisis?
Dr. Fernando: If in times of plenty it is extremely painstaking, imagine in times of crisis! The congress cannot happen only with the registration fees. By its characteristics of an event dedicated to public health themes, we rely on the help of public health and research institutions in a moment of financial retraction facing the severe crisis we are currently going through. For this reason, the partnership with Doctor Marcus Lacerda, president of the BSTM, has been extremely important, as he is personally involved to ensure the success of the 2016 MEDTROP. Despite becoming tired at some times, we are excited and expecting an excellent event. We are waiting for all in Maceió.…