2017 WorldLeish: The worlds largest congress dedicated to a single parasitic disease
The scientific program will include current political and scientific aspects of Leishmaniasis, among them, basic research for disease control and elimination
During the events fifth edition, held in Brazil, the main themes regarding leishmaniasis in the world were approached, since cellular and molecular biology to treatment and control
Papers for the sixth edition of the World Congress on Leishmaniasis (WorldLeish 2017) can be submitted until next November 30. The event will take place in Toledo, Spain, from May 16 to 20th, next year.
The 6th WorldLeish is organized by the Carlos III Health Institute, from Spain, and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), with headquarters in Switzerland. The Congress is also a partnership with PLoS magazine, which will compile publications about the main topics approached during the Congress. The first articles of the series will be published soon, according to the events organization.
The scientific program will cover current scientific and political aspects of Leishmaniasis. Among them, basic research for the diseases control and elimination – based on the World Health Organizations for Neglected Tropical Diseases and the London Declaration from 2012.
The events organization are expecting 1500 participants, including researchers, government representatives and all other main organizations engaged in the fight against leishmaniasis.
For further information, access: http://blogs.plos.org/collections/call-for-papers-worldleish6/ and http://www.worldleish2017.org/.
WorldLeish in Brazil
Brazil hosted the Congress for the first time between May 13 and 17th, 2013, in Porto de Galinhas (PE), the first edition of the congress outside the called Old World. The events first edition was held in Istanbul (Turkey); the second in Crete (Greece); the third in Sicily (Italy) and the fourth in Lucknow (India).
During the events fifth edition, participants approached themes related to leishmaniasis in the world, from cellular and molecular biology to treatment and control. At all, 1377 people joined the event, including scientists and students from 26 Brazilian states and over 50 countries, as USA, UK, India, Cuba, China, South Africa and others. The WorldLeish 5 program counted with 43 oral sessions and 14 satellite symposia and 21 hot-spot sessions – sessions about controversial themes. At all, 962 posters were presented in three nocturnal sessions.
Brazil did a great job. According to the president of the WorldLeish 5 Organizing Commission – Fifth World Congress on Leishmaniasis, Dr. Sinval Pinto Brandão Filho, without a doubt, it was a great achievement for Brazilian science. According to him, never before so many abstracts were submitted for appreciation as in the Brazilian edition. For comparison, the largest number of submitted abstracts in a previous edition was in India, in 2009, when 729 abstracts were submitted. To give an idea, we had 546 abstracts requesting oral presentation. From the 1,326 selected abstracts, 349 were selected for oral presentations and 977 for poster presentation, reminded Dr. Sinval.…