Public spending limits: a tough hit on tropical diseases studies
Ipea survey points that Brazil could cut up to R$ 743 billion (220 bi USD) in the next two decades if the Proposal for Constitutional Amendment 55 comes in to force
Social investments in sectors that support public health, as basic sanitation, which covers a small portion of the Brazilian population, should also be affected
The proposition that limits public spending in Brazil to the inflation for the next 20 years (PCA 55) has echoed worldwide, criticized even by the UN, according to the article. Approved and enacted in December 2016, the bill was severely rejected by several entities related to health, one of the most affected areas. According to the Professor at the Federal University of Piauí, Master in Tropical Medicine and PhD in Public Health, and former president of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (BSTM), Carlos Henrique Nery Costa, researches in tropical diseases can be the most affected. The BSTM understands that funding for tropical diseases studies in Brazil will suffer the greater impact among all areas in Medicine and Science, he alerted. He also believes social investment in sectors that support public health will be cut, as basic sanitation, which today covers only a small portion of the Brazilian population.
Moreover, the entity has reasons to worry. The BSTM deals primarily with health issues that affect the poorest people. For these human beings, the market does not work, it does not claim interest in their needs, which due to the endemic poverty cannot create the consumer demand the capital requires. The innovation participation of these countries is almost nothing if compared to new knowledge produced by developed countries. For these reasons, scientific investigations and technological innovation in Tropical Medicine rely, fundamentally, in the State, international donations and non-governmental and non-profit organizations, explains the institutions former president.
A survey by the Applied Economic Research Institute (Ipea), body tied to the Federal Government, shows that Brazil could cut up to R$ 743 billion (~220 bi USD) in the next two decades if the Proposal for Constitutional Amendment 55 comes in to force. This could inflict further damage to the already weakened science and technology sector in the Country. A delay in S&T would mean missing another train in history: productivity increase. In 20 years we would be in a position similar to the most lagged behind countries in Latin-America and behind many African nations, believes Doctor Carlos.
Since the matter is a reality in the Country, the BSTM representative hopes the further governments no not lose sight over the poorest in the tropics, Brazilian or not. They will be the most worst affected by this unfair, unhuman and economically outdated economic policy, he urges.…