
The Journal of the BSTM becomes the sixth Tropical Medicine journal in a impact index

The editor, Doctor Dalmo Correia finds the position to be a result of policies in use since 2012 to increase the journals national and international visibility


The Journal of the BSTM is also the 19th out of the 30 most well ranked journals of Infectious Diseases/Tropical Medicine

The Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicines Impact Factor reached the rate of 1.161 (JCR). This made it the third national and sixth international journal according to the Web of Science platform. The editor, Doctor Dalmo Correia, says the result was possible due to policies put in practice since 2012 to increase the journals national and international visibility.

Still according to him, these policies were incremented since the fourth SciELO Annual Meeting, in December 2, 2014, about the internationalization of Brazilian journals. In this event, professor Abel Packer demonstrated that national publications affect positively the Countrys international scientometric ranking in number of articles and, negatively, in quotations for articles.

Internationalizing Brazilian journals has been one of SciELOs priorities for the past four years, along with seeking improvement and professionalization of the editorial activities, as well as better funding conditions for the journals. In order to meet these goals, several measures have been taken, as using a new admission and revision criteria for the already indexed journals, explains Doctor Dalmo.

In this way, increasing the JBSTMs impact factor reflects in an increase of the average of scientific articles citations and, also, an increase of its international visibility. Currently, the impact factor is calculated by the Journal Citation Reports (CJR), annual journal of scientific information institutes, which is a division of Thomson Reuters, which supplies the information about academic journals from different knowledge fields.

Our goal is to increase the technical-scientific level of the published articles and, with this, to increase the potential of these articles being cited. In order for this to happen, it is fundamental to have highly proficient contribution from reviewers from a strict review process by pairs, what adds value to the manu (increasing quality) and gives credibility to the process, he added.

The JBSTM is 19th among the 23 most well ranked journals in Infectious Diseases/Tropical Medicine/Open Access according to the Web of Science.

The editor of the JBSTM also thanked all the professionals who made this acknowledgment possible. I hereby thank all the Associate Editors, Session Editors, the members of the Editorial Council, the Reviewers of Merit and Quantitative Methods, the members of the Secretary, the JBSTM Printing Sector and the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine. A very special greeting to the Fostering Organs, CNPq/Health Ministry and FAPEMIG for the financial support that has allowed the JBSTM to be an Indexed Scientific Periodic in several databases, affiliated to the Committee on Publication Ethics, edited in a developed country that publishes mainly in tropical neglected diseases, without charging the authors, this is, 100% open access, he finishes.…