
Tropical Journalist Award 2018 and NHR Brazil Journalism Prize: Winners receive awards on September 2

The best articles about Tropical Medicine and leprosy will receive R$ 1,500 in their categories, during the opening ceremony of the 54th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine


In your fifth edition, the Journalist Award this year Tropical has received a total of 190 reports entered, being 44 in category TV, 48 in the category Printed and 98 in category Online

For four months, the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (BSTM) received nominations to run for the Tropical Journalist Award in three categories: TV, printed and online. The candidate reports are being reviewed by a judging panel composed by the President of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicines 54th Congress (MedTrop), by three members of the SBMT and professional from the communication field. Besides the sum of R$ 1,500 in cash, for the journalist, the winners will be invited to participate in the events opening ceremony to receive the 2018 Tropical Journalist Awards. The MedTrop will be held in Recife (PE) from September 2 to 5.

To run for the prize, journalists must send their articles of themes related to Tropical Medicine, such as hunger, diseases caused by global warming, bacterial infections and other diseases. Will be considered eligible works published from 1 May 2017 to 30 April 2018. The goal of the award is to value communication professionals who cooperate to disclose information and knowledge to the population about tropical diseases, helping in the prevention and control of diseases that harshly strike the tropics.

In its fifth edition, the Tropical Journalist Award 2018 has received a total of 190 reports entered, being 44 in category TV, 48 in the category Printed and 98 in category Online.

The most different vehicles from several Brazilian states are running for the prize: Diário do Nordeste Website; TV Bandeirantes São Paulo; Portal UFRN; Jornal O Beltrano; TV UFSCar; Revista Galileu, Editora Globo; BBC News Brasil; Jornal Correio da Paraíba; Portal Amazônia Real; FAPESP Agency; Radioweb Agency; TV Câmara São José do Rio Preto; VivaBem (UOL); FAPESP Research; SciDev.Net; Jornal Tribuna de Minas; Jornal SBT Pará; Jornal O Imparcial, São Luis – MA; Revista Esquina On-line do UniCEUB Journal; Revista Superinteressante Magazine; Jornal do Commercio; Folha de Pernambuco; Jornal Canudos – Novo Hamburgo/RS; Jornal Zero Hora; Jornal Diário do Pará; Jornal O Povo/Fortaleza; Correio Braziliense; SAÚDE Magazine, by Editora Abril; Jornal NH – Novo Hamburgo (RS); Correio do Povo; Jornal de Brasília; ISTOÉ; Jornal Pioneiro; Jornal A Gazeta; Jornal O Povo; Jornal Tribuna Parlamentar; O Informativo do Vale – Vale do Taquari (RS); Revista Pesquisa FAPESP; TV Gazeta – TV Globo affiliate in Espírito Santo; Vale Europeu TV; TV Brasil; Rede Minas; SP1 – TV Globo; TV Sudoeste – Rede Bahia – Rede Globo affiliate in Bahia; Escritor Solidário Show; TV do Amazonas LTDA. -Amazon Network Roraima – Affiliated Rede Globo; Educational Tv; JMTV-TV Mirante – Maranhão – Affiliated Rede Globo; RICTV affiliate RECORD TV – Florianópolis; Tv Jangadeiro/SBT Fortaleza; Tv Justiça/CJF; PUC GOIÁS-TV News: TJ GOIÁS; Tv Tem Itapetininga – affiliated Rede Globo; Portal Zero Hora; Site da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG; Intercept Brazil; Agência Social de Notícias; Nabuco Magazine; Agência Brasil; Diário Online – DOL; Montanhas Capixabas; Agência Pública; Metropoles; Medscape; Folha de São Paulo, UniSALESIANO Araçatuba Site; Gazeta Web; Opinião e Notícia Website; Portal Minha Vida; Continent / Pernambuco Magazine; G1 Paraíba; G1 DF; Jornal de Brasília; El País Brazil; G1 O Portal de Notícias da Globo (Amapá); Site Diálogo Chino; Portal Jornal Pioneiro; Gazeta Online; G1 Paraíba; Revista Amazônia Viva; Olhar Direito Website; Website of the Legislative Assembly of Pernambuco; Health Magazine-Editora Abril; PORTAL G1; USP Journal site; TudoCelular.

Prize NHR Journalism Brazil will disclose the winners during the MedTrop opening ceremony

The organization Netherlands Hanseniasis Relief (NHR) held the first edition of the journalism contest in 2018, which selected the best articles about leprosy, as diagnostic, stigma, transmission, treatment, public policies and the diseases history. Reports in four categories will be referred: newspapers and magazines, online media, TV and radio. To be eligible, the work must have been published between January first, 2017 and 20 June 2018. The goal of the awards is to recognize and stimulate quality productions on the disease in Brazil in the various related aspects, such as diagnostic, transmission, public policies and stigma.  The winner from each category will receive the amount of R$1,500. The winners of the NHR Brazil Journalist Awards will be disclosed on September 2, during the 54th MedTrop opening ceremony – a partnership between NHR Brazil and the BSTM.…